博客來,博客來網路書店:博客來書籍館>What the Giants of Humanity Teach Us about Life
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/vip--af000027898/products/0010414593
This book is addressed to those who enjoy learning and reading. The desire to know, the quest for knowledge, is an innate longing in all human bings. Moreover , this desire grows by what it feeds on. The more a person knows, the more interested he is to know more.
Is knowledge useful? Of course it is. Good knowledge helps a person makes a better sense of the world he lives in; and more importantly, the quality of life and the relationships he holds with people around him can be improved with proper knowledge. One best way to learn how to live a better life is by appropriating experiences of and guidance from those wise people who have made their indelible contribution to mankind. It is with these aims in mind that this book is written.
Factual knowledge constitutes a substantial portion of the book because it is in authors belief that thoughts and discussions should not be devoid of real content-facts and reason. Facts pertinent to the particular theme of each essay in the book are selected and presented to provide ideas to its readers and to stimulate thoughts; a full and detailed explication on these great men in history is never intended. The concluding part at the end of each essay is authors personal reflection and message to himself, and to his readers. I hope this book will prove to be a good read to those who are interested in issues of humanity, and a useful aid to students who are being introduced to liberal study.
The essays in the book are grouped into four sections. The first, “Science: Review the Wonders of Life” is devoted to advancement of science, and how by the acquisition of proper knowledge we catch a glimpse of the intricacy of nature. The second part, “Philosophy and politics: Define the Uniqueness of Human Life” gives an account of some great men of philosophy and politics, and how their works embellish the human spirit. Part Three, “Belief and Faith: Confer the Sanctity and Purposes of Life” cites some life stories of how belief gives purposes and meanings to human life. Finally, “Art: Why Art Matters in Life” features some famous artists from different periods in the history of European painting, and see how the spirits behind these men affect human endeavor.
Paintings mentioned in Part Four of the book can readily be viewed from the internet, and therefore they are not provided.
Dr. Gilbert C. S. Lui
received his BA in Theology and Religion from Oxford Brookes University, is a family physician, a public speaker on health and religious faith, a consultant to several public service establishments, and for many years served as an honorary clinical in local medical schools. Through life stories, knowledge, simple reflections, and by sharing what little he knows, he hopes to help people to realize their truer relationship with Life.
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What the Giants of Humanity Teach Us about Life
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/vip--af000027898/products/0010414593